So evidently my blog must be reaching the mASSes of the URA. Since I started this blog, several of "NSBonTV's" vids have mysteriously disappeared. The video featuring our good buddy Tracey Eaton (See "Fight, Kick, Scratch, Crawl" post) has been removed from the channel as well as a few others. A couple vids that were online featuring Mr. Prince (not on NSB's channel) are gone as well. Way to "keep it pure" (See "Purity Through Anonymity) fellas! :D
However, to quote Sean Hannity, "let not your heart be troubled." More vids still exist for my venting pleasure and your information.
I'm still facebook friends with a couple of our upline emeralds. One was kicked out for allegedly screwing around on his wife (damn shame, she's hot!), but the other is still active and is the one who reached out to me after my fallout with Matthew (See "The Shot Heard 'Round the Upline). Our upline Emerald has vids of him and his time with several URA big shots, namely Mr. Prince. There's even a video of him golfing his alarm clock once he achieved his "freedom."
This vid that I'm going to talk about would've been a HUGE red flag for me should I have seen it before I joined. The video features our upline Emerald driving into Mr. Prince's gated estate. The estate features the homes of Mr. Prince, Prince's dad (Takin' care of the old man. Good on him!), and Mr. King. The property features a golf course (not a full 18, but you get the picture), a basketball court and of course a giant swimming pool with a cave structure to dive off and a water slide.
This place dubbed "Legacy Estates" is where Mr. Prince will hold pool parties for all the URA sheep to flock to, be in awe of his wealth and get "motivated" to buy more CONference tickets, tools, etc. The IBO's on my team that had been there would talk about how amazing the place was, and EVEN HOW Mr. Prince would play pool basketball with them showing off his "alpha male" defense by aggressively dunking players heads underwater, tackling them and even putting sleeper holds on players (I saw video footage at CONference). I don't know about you, but I TOTALLY wanna be like a guy who resembles Bradley Cooper in Wedding Crashers. Nothing I'd love to do to prospective IBO's who pay $100 for CONference tickets, than physically throw them around to show off how badass I am at their expense. THAT'S A TRUE LEADER/MAN RIGHT THERE!
But I digress...where were we?
Oh yeah, my upline emerald is showing off the property as he's driving in and then he says "this is what life's all about. Having your own COMPOUND."
URA really needs to work on its vernacular.
COMPOUND? Poor choice of words there buddy. You know who refers to their property as a compound? CULT LEADERS....and the Kennedy's. Compound is a term commonly associated with cults. The Branch Davidian's (Waco), Warren Jeffs, Heavens Gate, White supremacist Bill Riccio, even Osama Bin Laden had a "compound." Ironically, Jonestown was a COMMUNE.
Speak for yourself my emerald friend, but life is NOT all about having a "compound." Maybe for the brainwashed Ambots you've become, but rational thinkers like myself see more to life than having a "compound." While we DO agree that we need to create a great future for our children and those that follow and that being able to achieve financial freedom is great, the way in which we see things doesn't mesh.
I don't believe in sending mixed messages to people. I don't believe that convincing people that they can easily be successful in a "business," when in reality, it's statistically IMPOSSIBLE they can't! I don't believe in telling people to buy books/tapes/other materials that are ONLY approved by the powers that be will be the ONLY way to succeed when in reality there are several ways and methods one can use outside of your little box. I REALLY believe that making people pay hundreds of dollars and travel like vagabonds to CONferences 4 times a year to hear the same old "mindset" bullshit and tell them that's the only way they can succeed is FLAT OUT IMMORAL. I REALLY believe the fact that you even incorporate GOD into it is SICK and DISGRACEFUL.
And you know what else I believe? That using the term "compound" to describe your leaders home is all one would need to realize you're a cult.
But you know what? It's appropriate. Because the herd of IBO sheep use the term as well. COMPOUND my finances in the ass one more time!
*Inhales deeply*
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